Monday, March 19, 2012

Review: Gone with the Wind

Movie: Gone With the Wind                                                                           

Genre: Drama

Release: 1939

Publisher: Selznick International

Director: Victor Flemming


I am going to blog about the most successful movie of all time with the calculation of inflations Gone With the Wind, under direction of Victor Flemming and produced by Selznick International. It was recorded in Technicolor. The Drama was released in year 1939, so shortly before World War II started for America. The time period of the movie is the Civil War.


The movie Gone With the Wind is about a young woman called Scarlett, who is in a desperation to find her way to happiness in love. She is the main character of the movie and affects many events throughout the movie. She is in love with a man called Ashley, although he is in love with Melanie. Scarlett married Charles Hamilton after a while, who unfortunately died in war. Another character called Rhett came with a horse into scene saving Scarlett’s life from the battleground, which made him from then on to one of the important characters in the movie. This short meeting ended with a kiss and the glorious men went back to war. Out of this scene we can say that Scarlett is very unsure according to love.

Later on a Yankee attempted to do a robbery in Scarlett’s house, but Scarlett pulled the gun and shot him. This scene was not unheard by the Yankees, like expected they came and wanted 300$ in taxes from her. Because she didn’t had the money she went to her lover Ashley, who was in prison, but instead of money they kissed once more. After that she went to Rhett, who was in jail as well, but the begging didn’t work also because she lied to him. At the end she stole the money from Mr. Kennedy, who married Scarlett later on but got killed in war after a short time once they got married. I think here does the action slowly go to its highest point.

Shortly after that Rhett got in love with Scarlett and they married and got a baby names Bani, but the relationship really didn’t work at all red found out that Scarlett still has feeling for Ashley. This moment starts of the climax of the movie. Many people and especially main characters are passing away; this is very unusual for a movie.
You are going to see famous quotes in the movie like "Frankly, my dear i don't give a damn." from Rhett. The definition of this quote is, that he doesn't care about it anymore.

I think that the director made this on purpose to message the people that war is bad. The time period is perfect for that; 1939 is shortly before World War 2, and most parts of Europe were already in conflict and America was in preparation to interfere.The Director does also use the horse as a message for death. You are going to see that frequently throughout the movie.

Scarlett and Rhett

Positive points

+ Many characters with detailed personalities
+ Impressive Effects for that time (1939)
+ Well-chosen director’s message
+ Usage of Symbols (horse)

Negative Points

-  Too long for today’s standards (224 minutes, a regular movie for today is about 90-120 minutes long)
- Very few action scenes

My opinion

In my opinion the movie Gone With the Wind is a revolution of the movie scene. If you are interested to discover the history of movies or just a fan of classics, you shouldn’t miss this movie. But if you just want an entertaining movie with some popcorn and friends, Gone With the Wind is probably nothing for you.

Fun-Rating: 55%

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I suggest you add your personal opionion and voice to your first paragraph. Also, start with a quote or something more capturing. Good closing and overall look to your blog.
