Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

Genre: Western (Italo)

Director: Sergio Leone

Our recent movie we watched in our Film-Studies class is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It is classified as the best western ever, but its purpose was to make fun of other movies of it's kind. The first difference of this movie is that there are three main characters which are specified by Sigmund Freud as the Good (supergo), the Bad (ID), and the Ugly (ego). The Good is played by Clint Eastwood, who is nowdays a very famous actor with multiple awards.

Italo Westerns

The Italo Western, also called Spaghetti Western, is a sub-genre of the regular American Western. As you can guess Italo Westerns are made in Italy because it is cheaper to produce than in Hollywood. Usually Italo Westerns are seen rougher and more dramatic than the ones from Hollywood.


The Good and the Ugly are working toether in a special way. The Good (also known as Blondie) hands in the Ugly (also known as Tuco) to the officials and gets the reward. Later when they are hanging Tuco, Blondie cuts the rope with a gunshot and helps him to escape, after that they are splitting the reward. The problem is that these two characters are in a hate love relationship and were in several moments very close to kill one another. The Bad one is searching for a guy called Bill Carson and a cache of stole confederal gold. Shortly later the two other characters are finding out about that gold as well and are on the way to hunt after it.

Positive points:

+I just love westers
+3 main characters (something different)
+strong theme music

Negative points:

-slow Buildup

Rating: 85/100
Fun Rating:80%

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