Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Simpsons (2006)

For this movie I would like to present examples of political satire, puns and irony.


-Itchy makes fun of the presidency, he is pretending to be Abraham Lincoln.
-The police officers don't recognize the dead body in a bag the gangsters try to throw into the lake.
-Policeman eating donuts.
-President Schwarzenegger
-Springfield got removed from the map by the government.


-Binge Responsibly
-I would like to lead, not to read!
-he is pure gold
-but girls will se my doodle
-what am I Tommy Bahama?


-Ralph makes fun of 20th Cent. FOX in introduction scene.
-Itchy and scratchy are making fun of the moon landing by showing a camera which records it.
-Green Day Scene makes fun of the Titanic
-Homer is making fun of the Bible: "this book doesn't ahve any answer"

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